

What You Can Do

The campaign was launched on October 3, 2012. Service providers were encouraged  to plan events on this topic in the fall of 2012 and winter of 2013.

Webinars were offered prior to the campaign to familiarize service providers with the website and campaign components, so that they could promote the tools to parents.

Order materials for your organization

The main campaign component is a website, available to anyone: Additional materials such as magnets, tear-off pads  and ready-to-use workshop are available at: 

You can borrow a display for a specific event through the Best Start office. There is no cost to borrow, but we ask you to pay for the shipping costs back to the office. For information, visit

Link our website to yours
We encourage you to put one of our web buttons (animated or static) on your website to direct parents and future parents to

A large number of radio, television and cable stations received from us ready-to-use public service announcements (PSA). Tips are available for you to do this. The television PSA can be viewed here. The radio PSAs can be head here.

Here is the ist of radio and television stations who received the PSAs. We encourage you to contact your local stations to ensure they use these PSAs. The charitable status of Health Nexus was acknowledged with the stations when the PSAs are sent.

If your organization has a parent newsletter, we encourage you to publish the camera-ready ads and articles. The purpose of the materials is to reinforce the key messages and direct parents to the website.

Offer parent sessions.
The ready-to-use workshop materials contain what you need to do a 1-2 hour workshop to parents on early brain development. This can be done in a group setting on a one-to-one basis if you are a home visitor or clinician. These parent sessions provide an opportunity to reinforce messages on attachment, self-regulation, the importance of stimulating through all five senses, healthy lifestyles, etc. You don’t need to be a brain development specialist to offer these! Materials can be ordered from

For Information
For additional information on the campaign, please contact Louise Choquette,
1-800-397-9567, ext. 2276.



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