The May 2004 provincial alcohol and pregnancy
campaign focussed on 4 main areas:
Mass Media Strategies
Health Care Provider Communications
Licensed Establishment Strategy
Local Activities
Provincial Mass Media Strategies
Best Start arranged for media coverage
across the province of Ontario through a variety of methods.
Mall, bus and subway ads appeared in many Ontario communities.
Radio PSAs were sent to Ontario radio stations. Media packages
were distributed to daily newspapers, television and magazine
contacts across Ontario. The campaign image was projected
on 339 movie theatre screens in 37 communities across the
province of Ontario. The News Canada media service distributed
TV and radio news clips, and camera ready newspaper articles
to news outlets across Ontario.
Provincial Health Care Communications
As part of the May 2004 alcohol and pregnancy
campaign, Best Start sent information to all Ontario family
physicians and midwives. Each health care provider received
a range of patient resources including tear off sheets,
brochures and posters about alcohol and pregnancy. Health
care providers also received information about screening,
care and supports for pregnant women who use substances.
Provincial Licensed Establishment Strategies
Best Start developed materials to help
local contacts work with establishments licensed to serve
or sell alcohol, such as restaurants and bars. These materials
included tip sheets, table toppers and static clings. Best
Start arranged for campaign brochures to be available in
LCBO stores across Ontario.
Supporting Local Activities
Almost 200 local groups from across Ontario
were involved in the campaign. Best Start provided posters,
brochures, static clings and tear off sheets to interested
health organisations and FASD interest groups. These groups
used the resources in local initiatives that complemented
the province-wide strategies. Local groups worked on a range
of activities including speeches, mocktail competitions,
band barbecues, media etc.