Social |
Emotional |
- Join in play with familiar adults,
siblings, and peers
- Recognize image of self in mirror
- Look at you when you are talking
or playing together
- Point to show you something
- Comply with simple directions
- Use familiar gestures (e.g., waving)
- Demonstrate some pretend play with toys (e.g., pretend to give teddy a drink, use bowl as a hat)
- Begin to select gender-stereotyped toys
- Show affection towards people, pets or toys
- Begin to realize that others’ emotional reactions may differ from one’s own; early signs of empathy
- Come for comfort when distressed
Language |
Cognitive |
- Add to vocabulary steadily
- Say 20 or more words. Words do
not have to be clear.
- Enjoy being read to and looking at simple book with caregiver
- Point to familiar objects when asked
- Follow directions using “on” and “under” (e.g., “Put the cup on the table”)
- Use a variety of familiar gestures (e.g., such as waving, pushing, giving, reaching up)
- Makes at least four different consonant sounds (e.g., b,n,d,h,g,w)
- Point to at least three different body parts when asked (e.g., “Where is your nose?”)
- Try to get your attention to see
something of interest
- Use objects as tools
- Imitate actions across a change in context (e.g., act out at home a behaviour learned at child care or on TV)
- Exhibit improved recall memory for people, places, objects, and actions
- Actively sort objects into a single category (e.g., same colour or same shape)
- Identify pictures in book, “show me the baby”
- Pretend play with toys and figures
(e.g., feed stuffed animal)
- Consistently choose the larger of two piles of favourite foods (e.g., raisins or pieces of fruit)
Motor |
Gross Motor |
Fine Motor |
- Walk up a few stairs/steps holding your hand
- Walk alone
- Trot, prance
- Squat to pick up a toy and stand
back up without falling
- Push and pull toys or other objects
while walking forward
- Climb stairs one at a time with help
(e.g., holding adult’s hand)
- Climb onto furniture, try to climb out of crib
- Walk backward two steps without support
- Kick a ball
- Manipulate small objects with
improved coordination
- Stack three or more blocks
- Turn a few board-book pages at a time
- Make vertical strokes with a crayon
- Turn over a container to pour out the contents
- Remove some clothing on his own
- Open drawers
Perceptual (sensory) |
Hearing |
Vision |
- Respond to music by trying to dance,
sway, clap or vocalize
- Look for source of sound in all directions
- Hold objects close to eyes to inspect
- Follow objects as they move from
above head to feet
- Point to objects or people using a word that means “look” or “see”
Nutrition/Feeding |
Nutrition |
Feeding |
- Transition well to family foods
and mealtimes
- Continue to breastfeed or take whole
milk with meals or at bedtime
- Continue to have 3 - 4 meals and
1 - 2 snacks per day
- Hold bite and chew crackers or
other crunchy foods
- Use a spoon well; feed self with
spoon with little spilling
- Swallow without loss of food or saliva from mouth; may lose some during chewing